Interviews, essays, press releases & multimedia



A select press bibliography

CNN interview on Iraqi refugee program

Refugee Family Interview

Explaining the Transformed By Stories method

Notes for a Theology of Same-sex Relationships (.pdf; 496k)

Katholizismus zwischen Tradition und Innovation

(lecture for 80th anniversary of the Bonn Agreement; in German, and in English.)

Noël pour les chrétiens d’Irak : Public Sénat

    (8’.32” - 17’.41”)

Two-part debate on Middle Eastern Christians: Part One

& Part Two (pages are also linked) December 2, 2010

Recent sermons in English and a few en français.

Audio recording of a sermon for the installation of Bishop Michael Vono, October 24, 2010.

Audio recording of a sermon for Africa Day at St. Paul’s-

Within-the-Walls, Rome; 30 May 2010

A Gallery of photographs from my travels, including the

Lambeth Conference

France24 interview in English on Lambeth.

Interviews en français sur Lambeth: France24 et Libération

Autres interviews en français:

    Radio Vatican sur la visite de l’Archevêque de Cantorbéry en novembre 2006

    Radio Vatican sur la situation actuelle dans la Communion anglicane

    France-Culture, 20 janvier 2008: Semaine de prière pour l’unité des chrétiens

    RFI, 15 novembre 2009: Interview sur Apostolicum coetibus

Press release: Archbishop of Canterbury in Rome, November 2006

Photos of Archbishop’s visit to Rome

Quicktime: Canal Congo coverage of triennial synod in Kinshasa (email me for copy: 360 Mb)